Wednesday, July 1, 2009

mouse call

The doctor will see you now - online.

There are a million excuses for not going to the dermatologist. You’re too tired, you’re too busy, you’re too overwhelmed.It’s particularly true when it comes to seeing someone like Dr. Zein Obagi, a beloved Beverly Hills derm whose office examinations cost about the same as our monthly rent. You’d see him if you could, but geography, money, work, and life keep getting in the way.

But now, Dr. Obagi is making it even easier to get your skincare questions answered. He recently launched a virtual office, where you can log-on, get a long-distance examination, and get his tips, all through the internet.Think of it as a house call for the 21st century. And while it might sound a bit sketchy, it’s anything but; there is a detailed questionnaire to answer, and “patients” can even submit a photo, so that Dr. Obagi gets a clear idea of just what your skin problems are. While he can’t write a prescription for you or give you a quick facial, you’ll get a detailed explanation of what you can do.

And the only thing better than getting rid of the doctor’s waiting room? Getting rid of it for free; through August, Dr. Obagi’s online consultations are completely free. Which means that you officially have no excuse not to get your skin checked out. If only our dentist could do the same thing…

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